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BARCELONA | The exhibition BCN Portraits is a unique chance to understand and discover Barcelona through the captivating portraits of the city's renowned cultural and artistic icons. Manuel Outumuro's talented eye brings visitors the opportunity to embark on a trip through memory lane, where the distinct character of each personality  tells us something about the history of Barcelona. Their posture, their eyes, the set and even the movement captured by Outumuro -either in black and white or color- points us out towards a specific time in Barcelona's recent cultural and artistic history. Outumuro's creative career has been always linked to Barcelona. This is the city that inspired him to reinvent himself as a photographer, following a career as an art director, graphic designer and illustrator. Outumuro, a self-taught photographer, grew to become one of Europe's leading fashion photographers as he witnessed Barcelona develop into the captivating Mediterranean enclave it is known for today. The exhibition BCN Portraits is the result of Outumuro's fine sensitivity towards Barcelona and its subjects. Hence the exhibition includes the portraits of actors and actresses such Carme Elias, Eduard Fernàndez or Jordi Mollà; architects like Beth Galí and Òscar Tusquets; fellow colleagues as Leopoldo Pomés, Pilar Aymerich i Colita; models such Martina Klein and Verónica Blume; and writers such Rosa Regàs, Eduardo Mendoza or Enrique Vila-Matas. In addition to Outumuro's close relationship with Barcelona, he is constantly collaborating with international publications and organizations. His personal archive of over 10.000 negatives and digital material constitute a unique visual document of his global experience; and the history of fashion in the last two decades. Photos by Earth to Iris. Until 26th February 2017 Address:  Palau Robert Passeig de Gràcia 107, Barcelona, Spain.  

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